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Torre de Especialidades Hospital San Ángel Inn
Acora del Valle Av. Cuauhtémoc 1040, Piso 9, consultorio 957

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Lun a Sáb 08:00 - 17:00

Treatments and Services


"If the craving is not addressed and treated, it becomes a time bomb that breaks any promises and explodes with the relapse"

Judah Hernández Vásquez M.D.

A Tailored Treatment

Each patient is unique, and they may qualify for a treatment or combination of strategies that can provide results within the first three months. These professional strategies are referred to as harm reduction approaches.

How do these treatments work?

Most of them specifically and with almost surgical precision block receptors that, due to excessive and prolonged consumption, no longer function properly, causing this neurochemical imbalance that leads the patient to relapse.

One of those receptors are the opioid receptors responsible for cravings, appetite, and subsequent relapse with various substances such as alcohol, cocaine including crack, amphetamines and methamphetamines like crystal meth, as well as heroin and its derivatives. By blocking them through specific and specialized pharmacological action, the overload from the malfunction of these neurochemicals stabilizes and reduces el deseo o ansiedad por volver a consumir by up to 80%.

From the first consultation, an Addiction Medicine specialist performs the following steps:

Diagnosis and personalized treatment

Initiation of stabilization

Pharmacological management of Craving

To initiate treatment, a Medical Addiction Assessment must be scheduled. This assessment provides the patient with a personalized diagnosis and initial treatment tailored to their needs. It is recommended to follow up on this treatment every 3 to 4 months to ensure favorable outcomes.

Pharmacological Treatments

Opioid Antagonists




A Tailored Treatment

Naltrexone Implants

The desire for consumption decreases by up to 70% to 80% by blocking specific receptors in the brain that trigger this need

DBD Treatment

It involves patient assessment followed by outpatient stabilization and detoxification.

Drug-Screen Saliva test

Saliva-based detection of metabolites from toxic substances, providing a reliable medical test.

Medical Evaluation

It involves patient assessment followed by outpatient stabilization and detoxification.


Administration of vitamins and minerals to counteract the effects of consumption.

Schedule a MEDICAL ADDICTION EVALUATION and receive diagnostic assistance. We will tailor the treatment, initiate stabilization, and manage craving with medications.

Do you need help?

Give us a call

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